5 min staying online after airplane mode is on smack 4.2

Hi all,

I am using smack 4.2 version with ejabberd server. After I upgraded this to version from smack 4.1.9 there is a problem occured. I am turning on application and my status being online after I closing internet connection or killing application or even uninstalling the app my status keeping stay online for 5 min. The ping time on server side is just 20 seconds and everything is works fine on IOS side. So can someone explain me what can be cause of this issue.

Thanks in advance,


I solved issue by setting connection setUseStreamManagementResumption(false);

that’s odd. If you killed your connection completely, than it must be the server keeping your session alive. Smack supports session resumption(which is designed to prevent logout/login cycles when your network disconnects briefly). Perhaps that is keeping the session open.