Dependency to Declarative Services

Question: Is the dependency to Declarative Services really necessary?

In smack-extensions\src\main\resources\org.jivesoftware.smackx\smack-extensions-co mponents.xml is the following:

<scr:component xmlns:scr=“

enabled="true" immediate="true" name="Smack Extensions API">


    class="org.jivesoftware.smack.initializer.extensions.ExtensionsInitializer" />


Which basically does the same as new org.jivesoftware.smack.extensions.ExtensionsInitializer().initialize();

From what I can say this is the only place where Declarative Services are uses in Smack. Since Declarative Services are a quite heavy dependency I would like to ask if it really makes sense to use them in Smack.

I personally do not work with OSGi and hence have not much knowledge (yet) about it. @Jens Offenbach used to take care of that and I used to follow his advice. Maybe he can comment on that.