User search in LDAP does not support Wildcards

As some support issues already stated, the use of wildcards when searching users, using the search plugin is not working properly.

Trying to find a user “abc” using query ‘a’ works, but when using ‘a*’ nothing is found. Also ‘b’ or ‘*c’ does not work.

This is probably related to this change OF-779: fetching from LDAP should escape results. All search criteria are escaped, also the wildcard characters.

I Updated the code to refine the solution of OF-779 to enable the use of wildcards again.

GitHub - annovanvliet/Openfire at SearchWildcardFix

Thanks for contributing! feel free to make a PR request. The ldap code could use some clean up. I took a stab at it, but it was outside my skill set. perhaps if you have time, you could check it out?

[OF-145] Do LDAP bind instead of search when subtree searching disabled - IgniteRealtime JIRA

and many more!

Issue Navigator - IgniteRealtime JIRA

I see that Daryl filed this as [OF-1226] Enable use of wildcard when searching users in LDAP - IgniteRealtime JIRA

Btw, OF-779 was applied to 3.9.3 and another user reported 3.9.3 worked fine for them.

You should submit a PR to the main repo of Openfire.