Question about SIP plugin

I read PBX servers (say, Asterisk for now) protocols are able to handle text and video aside just voice. Also that Openfire supports other clients aside Spark, such as Pidgin and Trillian. I also read Pidgin could theorically even directly connect to an Asterisk server, at least for text over SIP.

Does Openfire’s SIP plugin allow voice, text, video passing over PBX server’s SIP protocol, or they’d still pass over xmpp and SIP plugin’s only feature would be displaying user’s status as “on phone”?

I’m still kind of bugged Openfire needs to map an existing Openfire user to a PBX extension, instead of directly using a PBX user…

Finally, could there be other Openfire compatible clients aside Spark that support voice/video chat?

Thanks all.

You can try Jitsi. If i’m not wrong they are probably doing it without SIP, but directly between the clients (Jingle API probably). Unless you HAVE to do this via SIP, because you need to tie into your PBX.