Offline user not only in ofline group


I need to get a answer about my difficult problem with set view in Spark contact window (contact UI). Now default option in Spark is an independent group where are all offline users. If It’s possible I would like to show offline user in each group whose they belong to (I create group in openfire serwer). Can I change that view (e.g use a plugin or set some option in preferences)?

I’ll be gratefull for any help.

Hamlet, best regarts!

In Spark go to Contacts menu and uncheck “Group offline users”. Make sure “Show offline users” is checked.

Thank you for quick answer but problem still exist… I paste picture or link (if not load) with screenshot below where I tried make your solution (I attached which version use in my company). Maybe I have some bugs in my configuration or openserver?

Do you have some advice for less smart user like I ? What I should do now?

Check - Pokaz nieaktywnyh uzytkownikow

Then uncheck - Pokaz grupe uzytkownikow nieaktywnych

I’m so ashamed. I don’t know why but I’ve tried earlier like that and It didn’t work. Now it is working… Thank you very much for your support. I’m still consternation.