Smack threads

Hi Smack developers!

I looked at Threads and Executors · igniterealtime/Smack Wiki · GitHub and there is “Possible Savings” section. Is there any plans (ot maybe work is in hand) to implement this to decrease threads number per connection.


I did some experiments. But nothing in master. All in all I think this should be done right using NIO. But that’s a project of about 150-250 man hours we are talking about, and so far no sponsor for this has been found.

Flow, thanks for response!

We support server that has many xmpp connection to openfire, each connection services ~1000 clients. Now we have ~4000 smack threads. We can not endless increase serviced clients per connection.

Could you give guidance how we can decrease threads number per connection? Maybe somehow some threads can be disabled (for example from config) or safety stopped?


Could you give guidance how we can decrease threads number per connection? Maybe somehow some threads can be disabled (for example from config) or safety stopped?

I don’t think so. For your use case you don’t want the number of thread to increase linearly with the number of connections. It doesn’t really matter if it’s one thread, two or n that are added per connection. That’s why I said the only solution is to implement a XMPPConnection using NIO. Which requires some effort.