Ejabber + Ldap + Avatar-Icons

Hi everyone,

i have a problem with the avatar-icons.

We are currently using an ejabber instance which authenticates against a central ldap (no openfire because we need ldap + additional users).

Now… when i connect via pidgin and set an avatar icon it gets properly set and everyone else gets to see it. When i set one with spark it gets only displayed in the local client, but noone else can retrieve it.

ejabber has no write permissions on the ldap. Did anyone else encounter this problem? If needed i can provide additional debug/info.




Try to find ldap mapping on the server and the following section: user picture: thumbnailPhoto.

I never used ejabber but something similar I gues.

thx for the reply,

i tried adding the mapping but doesnt change the behaviour.

This is the current vcard-setup. There is no picture in the ldap-server. Only on the client-side.


host: “nf105.netfed.de

search: true

matches: 10

ldap_uids: {"mail": "%u@domainxyz.de"}


“USERID”: {"%s": [“cn”]}

“NICKNAME”: {"%s": [“cn”]}

“FIRST”: {"%s": [“givenName”]}

“LAST”: {"%s": [“sn”]}

“FN”: {"%s": [“displayName”]}

“EMAIL”: {"%s": [“mail”]}

“ORGNAME”: {"%s": [“o”]}

“ORGUNIT”: {"%s": [“department”]}

“CTRY”: {"%s": [“c”]}

“LOCALITY”: {"%s": [“l”]}

“STREET”: {"%s": [“street”]}

“PCODE”: {"%s": [“postalCode”]}

“TEL”: {"%s": [“telephoneNumber”]}

“PHOTO”: {"%s": [“jpegPhoto”]}

“user picture”: {"%s": [“thumbNailPhoto”]}


“User”: “%u”

“Name”: “givenName”

“Family Name”: “sn”

“Email”: “mail”


“Full Name”: “FN”

“Nickname”: “NICKNAME”

“Email”: “EMAIL”

Thats the problem, because the server trying to locate the pictures via LDAP, you need to add the pictures in the domain with Exclaimer Outlook Photos

search it on google its free to download.

Ah you mean i have to upload it to the LDAP-Directory?

I was hoping for another solution since currently its a no-go to edit the LDAP and pidgin seems to handle this another way.

Guess for now we will have to live with this then…;\


As I see the server try to load the pics from the server via LDAP. Yes you have to upload user pictures. Try it.