Full user name shown in single chats, only logon name shown in chatrooms?


we are using Spark and Openfire since years.

But now i changed the whole logins and insert the name and surname for every user.

In single-chats it is working without any problem, but in the chatrooms only the login name will be shown and not name and surname.

Is there any possibility to change it or is it a bug?

Thanks in advance


What exactly have you changed for login? Do you create your users in Admin Console or use LDAP integration?

I use Openfire with a local database and create my users in Admin Console. I add full name into the Name field. So when i share the group all users are shown with their full names in the roster. When i join the group chat it uses the same name as a nickname for that chat. Don’t have to do anything for that. Maybe that depends on room settings, but i can’t think of any setting which can affect that. You can post settings of your room here (can be a screenshot).

We are using local user-accounts in the Openfire-database.

For the “username” we use the logon-name of the users which is a combination of name and surname.

And in “name” I put the complete name (name, surname) and everything will be shown fine at spark startup-page.

But in the groupchats you see only the “username” and not the “name”.

Is there anything to change to “name” instead of “username”?

I forgot one thing. When we are setting up Spark for a user at his desk, after entering username, password, server and logging in, we also go to Spark>Profile and put his Full name into Nickname field. This way when a user is chatting he is seeing his full name in outgoing messages and that also makes Spark use full name in group chats. By XMPP standard a room is looking for the nickname field to use when user joins. As this nickname field is preserved after you delete Spark settings, it is saved somewhere on the server (vCard maybe). So it should be possible to set this field from the server, but there is no field for that.

I have filed a feature request for this (Openfire) OF-1077

Just FYI, i have just tried to add such field myself and… (i’m not a java developer btw) it is not as trivial as it seems. It involves editing 15+ source files, adding a bunch of methods, variables, editing lots of web forms and i still couldn’t make it work

I found a workaroung to get the fullname also in groupchats:

I opened Spark > Edit my profile and put the lastname and firstname in the firstname field field.

Then the full name will be shown in Spark, in Single-chats and in groupchats.

The bad thing is that I or the users have to do it in every profile. And I found out that it will be saved

in the Openfire-Server but there is no possibility to create/change it in the Admin-console because

there are no fields for that.

But I can live with that due to the fact that we only have around 100 users and I have to do it once and then it is fine.

Jens Stefer wrote:

I found a workaroung to get the fullname also in groupchats:

I opened Spark > Edit my profile and put the lastname and firstname in the firstname field field

Then the full name will be shown in Spark, in Single-chats and in groupchats.

Yes, or as I said you can put it into nickname field.