SEVERE: Exception reloading roster

I am trying to run smack 4.2.0-alpha2 with ejabberd-15.07 and it looks to me roster is not getting loaded (increased packet reply timeout to 1 minutes).

I can see of IQ jabber:iq:roster server is returning a result to jidwithlocalpart/smack but it is not getting loaded to client. I fixed the resource to smack while setting connection.

It is however working with openfire.

The client logs -

03:43:30 PM SENT (0): <stream:stream xmlns=‘jabber:client’ to=‘’ xmlns:stream=‘’ version=‘1.0’ from=‘’ xml:lang=‘en’>

03:43:30 PM RECV (0): <?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns=‘jabber:client’ xmlns:stream=‘’ id=‘520252376’ from=‘’ version=‘1.0’ xml:lang=‘en’>

03:43:30 PM RECV (0): stream:featuresPLAINDIGEST-MD5SCRAM-SHA-1</stream:f eatures>

03:43:30 PM SENT (0): AGFyYml0MgBhcmJpdDI=

03:43:30 PM RECV (0):

03:43:30 PM SENT (0): <stream:stream xmlns=‘jabber:client’ to=‘’ xmlns:stream=‘’ version=‘1.0’ from=‘’ id=‘520252376’ xml:lang=‘en’>

03:43:30 PM RECV (0): <?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns=‘jabber:client’ xmlns:stream=‘’ id=‘2259128694’ from=‘’ version=‘1.0’ xml:lang=‘en’>

03:43:30 PM RECV (0): stream:features</stream:features>

03:43:30 PM SENT (0): smack

03:43:30 PM RECV (0):

03:43:30 PM SENT (0):

03:43:30 PM RECV (0):

03:43:30 PM SENT (0):

03:43:30 PM RECV (0):

03:43:30 PM User logged (0):

03:43:30 PM XMPPConnection authenticated (XMPPTCPConnection[] (0))

03:43:30 PM SENT (0):

03:43:30 PM SENT (0):


03:43:30 PM SENT (0): 20

03:43:31 PM SENT (0): arbit3be27197d-5180-4e59-b50a-3b38852d6662</th read>

Message sent9f7871e7-5085-42d5-860a-b8d691d3152e

03:43:31 PM SENT (0):

03:43:31 PM SENT (0): 20

03:43:31 PM SENT (0): 20

03:43:31 PM SENT (0):

03:43:31 PM RECV (0):

03:43:31 PM SENT (0):

03:43:31 PM RECV (0):

Stanza ack received5b6c3-8

Stanza ack received5b6c3-9

Stanza ack received5b6c3-10

Stanza ack received9f7871e7-5085-42d5-860a-b8d691d3152e

03:43:31 PM RECV (0): 202020

03:43:31 PM SENT (0):

03:43:31 PM SENT (0):

03:43:31 PM SENT (0):

03:43:31 PM SENT (0):

03:43:31 PM RECV (0):

03:43:31 PM SENT (0):

and the server logs

}],}]} packet {xmlel,<<“iq”>>,[{<<“id”>>,<<“5b6c3-16”>>},{<<“type”>>,<<“result”>>}],[{xmlel,< <“query”>>,[{<<“xmlns”>>,<<“jabber:iq:roster”>>}],[{xmlel,<<“item”>>,[{<<“subscr iption”>>,<<“from”>>},{<<“jid”>>,<<“”>>}],}]}]}2015-10-04 10:13:31.499 [debug] <0.910.0>@ejabberd_c2s:send_text:1892 Send XML on stream = <<“”>>2015-10-04 10:19:33.637 [debug] <0.910.0>@mod_shared_roster:unset_presence:1104 unset_presence for <<“arbit2”>> @ <<“”>> / <<“smack”>> → <<>> (0 resources)