PEP has malformed XML

Hi guys,

I’ve been using PEP with Smack 4.1.3 (latest) and finding it is generating malformed XML:


As you can see, the element “publish” is malformed, I believe should be updated to correct this:

buf.halfOpenElement(“publish”).attribute(“node”, item.getNode()).rightAngleBracket();

Also, seems broken, as it is an abstract class that does not allow us to create a concrete implementation due to getNode() and getItemDetailsXML() both being private.

Thanks very much,


As you can see, the element “publish” is malformed, I believe should be updated to correct this:

Thanks for reporting SMACK-689.

Also, seems broken, as it is an abstract class that does not allow us to create a concrete implementation due to getNode() and getItemDetailsXML() both being private.
They are not private, just package-private, and since nothing prevents you from placing your concrete implementation in the same package as PEPItem, you can subclass PEPItem in your code. But nevertheless those still should be public, and this is already tracked by SMACK-372 and fixed.