Problems with OpenFire 3.10.2 and Hazelcast 2.0.0

I’ve been trying to configure a 2-node cluster with Hazelcast. The machines are in a cloud under the same network. I add the plugin in both machines, and then, when I clic on Enable clustering, it hangs.

The logs don’t show anything very descriptive, just this in stderror.log:

Jul 09, 2015 9:21:35 AM com.hazelcast.config.ClasspathXmlConfig

INFO: Configuring Hazelcast from ‘hazelcast-cache-config.xml’.

I’ve tried to find that file (hazelcast-cache-config.xml), but I can’t find it anywhere. I must be doing something wrong, can someone help me?

After trying to enable clustering (and waiting for hours), the server becomes unresponsive, so I have to restart. When I restart, only the current server is in the list of machines in the cluster.

Edit the file in /your_openfire_directory/plugins/hazelcast/classes/hazelcast-cache-config.xml

Very usefull tutorial is here: