Spark IM only works in server in other network equipment no

Good I have this problem and install Openfire and Spark in my Windows Server 2012 and when home section in server normal but when I want all other home team send this message me domain

Message was edited by: Guus der Kinderen (transformed all-caps into lowercase)


use Single Sign On or normally only Ldap account?

normally only Ldap

the normal start on the server but when it came to Ortra section on another computer on the network does not work for me

maybe the problem it’s Windows firewall, otherwise some acl of unix.

Check this.

I had the same problem today, turn off Windows Firewall on server. I did and it worked. I’m using Openfire on my company and it is working fine.

I need to understand how to add Openfire to Firewall rules, I tried but I couldn’t fix it yet.

are 3 port




If you want to open also




I did that. The problem is Windows Firewall rules, I couldnt fix the issue yet.

are you open on Client or server?

This port need to be open on server.

You can also add Windows firewall role on Program.

u can also use Openfire as a service.

open Dos console

go into openfire program folder

them launch this

openfire-service /install