Translation can't use in conference

Hi All,

I have a office mate who is chinese and cant understand english that much, so we use the translation in spark while chatting. The problem is another friend of ours wants to join in our discussion so, we decided to create a group. Once everyone is already inside the group conference, we notice that the translation dialog box is missing. Can anyone have the same issue?

Openfire version: 3.10.0

Spark version: 2.7.0


Smack Version: 3.3.1

JRE Version: 1.7.0_76



Well, this was probably intended. As translator plugin only sends out a translated text, you other English speaking buddies in the group chat would not understand what you are saying. Though it may work in some cases, when you are the only one in the group chat with a different language and all others share the same language.

Have filed this as [SPARK-1610] Add translator dialog to the group chat window - Jive Software Open Source

But as Spark has no active developers, can’t say when it will be fixed.