Tinder-68 library

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to compile and run Openfire project in Eclipse but I can’t compile successfully because I receive the following error:

cannot find symbol allowedToCreate.add(new JID(jid.trim().toLowerCase()).asBareJID());

The method asBareJID() is supposed to be implemented in the org.xmpp.packet.JID class, but in the latest Tinder jars (1.2.2 or 1.2.3) it’s absent.

I only found the method toBareJID.

Reading this link [#TINDER-68] Provide utility method that returns a bare JID instance -68.html I learnt that this new method has been introduced for avoiding the workaround new JID(new JID(value).toBareJID())…so my answer is: where can I find the jar with the TINDER-68 patch?

Is there a recent guide about custom openfire plugin implementation?

I appreciate any help that you can provide!

Best Regards,

