Screen sharing problem

Hello everyone !

I was trying the ofmeet on my openfire and I just found that I can’t screen share on the meet.

I always got this error :

Failed to get access to local media. Error NavigatorUserMediaError {constraintName: “”, message: “”, name: “PermissionDeniedError”} publish.js:160

  1. mediafailure.rayo [object Object] publish.js:74
  2. (anonymous function)publish.js:74
  3. x.event.dispatchjquery.min.js:4
  4. y.handlejquery.min.js:4
  5. x.event.triggerjquery.min.js:4
  6. (anonymous function)jquery.min.js:4
  7. x.extend.eachjquery.min.js:3
  8. x.fn.x.eachjquery.min.js:3
  9. x.fn.extend.triggerjquery.min.js:4
  10. (anonymous function)publish.js:161

[presence, context: presence, jquery: “2.0.3”, constructor: function, init: function, selector: “”…]

All the rest is going just fine.
any hint ?

PS : Sorry for my english ! :]

I want to add that my option #enable-usermedia-screen-capture is activated in chrome://flags

you have to use https://

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Thank you a lot for all your good work !