How to install red5 in openfire

I copied the redfire plugin. to the openfire\plugins. restarted the openfire server but i can’t see red5 plugin in the plugins tab.

I just did the same this morning. I installed it on an Ubuntu 12.04LTS server. I see the red5 icon when in a chat with another user… maybe I can help.

I want to make all my openfire users to use voice/video feature when they chat using Spark. I thought it would be lot easier to deploy red5 if i install it in my openfire server. But i’m having problem doing that. Any help would be greatly appreciated

The installation on the server is crazy easy. Move the .war file to the /opt/openfire/plugins directory and restart openfire. Go to a web browser, enter: :7070/redfire. That will bring up a console specifically for redfire. There are some settings there you can tweak, but, for the most part that will indicate that it’s running and provide some test links to test across the network.

The issue that I ran into doesn’t seem to be documented really well (or I’m blind/retarded, which is quite possible) is that configuration file that you should prep and the locations that it should be saved. Create a file called In that file you want to include the following:





I just filled in the server IP and the rest stayed the same. If anyone else has any in-depth knowledge on what the “protocol” function does, I’m all ears.

Now, save that file in the following folders on the machine you want to video conference from:



and save a copy of the redfire-plugin.jar (which you can download from this site) to:

%PROGRAMFILES%\spark\plugins or, if you are running 64-bit, plop it in the (x86) program files directory.

the final step is to make sure that you have the latest Java installed (there are some reports that flash is required as well, so may as well load that on the client machine too).

Let me know if you get stuck from there.

I copied the red5.war file in openfie/plugins directory and restarted the openfire server. When i enter http://:7070/redfire it gives me error 404: Problem accessing /redfire. Reason: Not Found.