Creating OpenFire user (encrypted password) with .NET


Here in my job we needed to develop a library which generates the encrypted password to a manually ofUser table insertion. The algorithm is based on the OpenFire’s Blowfish stuff, with minor adjustments due to language portability.

 We wish to share it with the community, but I don't have much idea on how to do it...any suggestions?
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Cesar, (if you’re Brazilian, so am i - in any case) i’m posting to say that i read alot about this and the only thing i know is that OF uses Blowfish to encrypt passwords, but so far i could not find a Blowfish class in .Net that would work.

I tryed a CS class that i found but it never encrypt/decrypt the passwords i have created for testing correctly, so i have very much interest in this topic.

Yet over a year has passed and no comments on the topic … one day perhaps

Nop, not yet still… maybe next month … maybe

Yet months pass by …