SparkWeb string'n a login

I’m trying to build a string which will login users;

I’ve added to the index.html

var server = getPageParameter(‘server’,"");

and attempted this string without success. d=reallystrong

The string passes the useraname, password without the server parameter. How would we pass the server param and click the ‘login’?

any suggestions would be appreciated.

function jive_sparkweb_getConfig()

var username = getPageParameter(‘username’, ‘’);
var password = getPageParameter(‘password’, ‘’);
var autologin = getPageParameter(‘autologin’, ‘false’);
var webapp = getPageParameter(‘webapp’, ‘red5’);
var conn = getPageParameter(‘conn’, ‘socket’); // socket, http or rtmp (using xmppurl below)

** var server = getPageParameter(‘server’,"");**

return {

httpLabel: “Ignite”,
httpURL: “”,
username: username,
password: password,
server: server,
port: conn == “socket” ? 5222 : window.location.port,
red5url: “rtmp:/sip”,
xmppurl: “rtmpt::8000/xmpp”,
webapp: webapp,
connectionType: conn,
policyFileURL: “xmlsocket://” + window.location.hostname + “:5229”,
webcamAvatar: “true”,
visualPresence: 60,
autologin: eval(autologin)

Thanks Dele

Success, It works!

I’m thinking my setup is still dodgy but by using the ‘autologin=true’ to the string d=reallystrong&autologin=true

The string executes the user’s login.

Thanks again,
