OpenFire after update problems with Users list (empty)

After i had update OpenFire server to the last version (4.1.1) time to time i got emty contacts list in Spark.

Users are gets from AD.

This is how it looks like.

After OpenFIre service reboot contact list can start to show users. 50%\50%. Some times it does not helps.

By the way, user information from AD account also empty (look at screensot), before update it was full.

I update OpenFire from 3.9.3 to last version 4.1.1 and i have this problem too. I don’t see other group, only see my group.

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This might be related [OF-1263] Contact List sharing shows stale data - IgniteRealtime JIRA

As Workaround until will be fixed I created an additional group “All together” and put all users in

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