Receiving new Spark message opens window but doesn't display message

It looks like it was the OpenFire Meetings plugin that was causing the problem for me.

My plugins folder is completely empty, but I just had another person send me a message and it didn’t show up in spark.

could you try deleting the Spark appdata folder?


fyi…transcript history is in this folder, so you might want to back it up if that is important to you.

I have analyzed the code and code history in all ways that I know how. I cannot find any reference in our code that would lead to a log statement like this:

WARNING: chatRoomOpened: jennifer@OpenFireServer

I did, however, found third-party code that creates this statement, here: MUCFileUpload/ at develop · Speedy-Gonzalez/MUCFileUpload · GitHub

This matches the log statements exactly: up to the two spaces that are used between “chatRoomOpened:” and the JID.

Have you every played around with MUC file upload stuff?

No I’ve never used the MUC file uploader. I don’t use any Spark plugins other than what installs with the spark installer so I’m not sure where that would come from.

@Gretchen Raff would you mind popping into our chatroom? The Group Chat link on top of this page will get you to a web-based client, using Spark, you can add the conference server “” and join the room named “open_chat” there.

So far so good. Since I deleted my old Spark AppData folder (Roaming), I’ve received every message sent to me. Guus, I’m in the group chat room if you’re available.

So, starting with a fresh profile fixed this issue for Gretchen? How about the others who has this issue here?

Since starting with a fresh profile, I don’t have this problem.

As often goes with Spark, some things are left in the profile and mess things. So, we have a workaround. It would be great to find the root cause of this, but i don’t believe we will (after so lengthy investigation already) and new users shouldn’t encounter this, i hope. Going to close the ticket now.

Sounds good to me. Thank you all for all of your hard work investigating this problem.

I’m having the same issue again so apparently clearing out the Spark folder in AppData/Roaming only fixed my Spark for a few days.

Well, reopening the ticket then Same stuff in the logs?

Yes, that’s correct. Just that strange warning, no errors being logged.


Could you try deleting your transcripts and disabling transcripts/history to see if that helps?

Sure, no problem. I renamed my transcript folder and checked “disable chat history” under general chat settings in preferences. I’ll let you know how it goes today.

I can already report that this did not fix the problem.

is it the same user everytime? or do you see this with multiple users?

Multiple users.

I wonder if the problem disappears again for a while if you delete your Spark AppData folder from your (Roaming) profile again. If so, I’m very interested what is in that profile.