Install and configure SparkWeb

Hi, I’ve just setup Openfire in one of our servers and it’s now working. Our boss tells us that this server needs to be accessed even without the app (Spark client). So after hours of research, we discovered SparkWeb but when we try to open the How To on this doc/URL

How To Install & Configure Sparkweb?

It just shows us unauthorized user. Any other resources where we can get instructions on setting up web for spark?



Just an update, I’ve downloaded the SparkWeb zip file, extracted it to the server where I also installed the openfire server, installed IIS, pointed the path to the extracted folder, changed/modified the index.html file pointing to the openfire server or IP. I can access the sparkweb page but as soon as I enter the username and password (ad account) it doesnt login.

Am I missing something?



That How-to document was accidentally deleted when merging sub-forums. But i think a lot of its information was already outdated (especially flash crossdomain stuff). I don’t recommend using SparkWeb. It is outdated and is not maintained anymore. You won’t get many replies here about problems with it. If i remember correctly, it is using Flash, which is a phasing out technology. But i can’t suggest anything else. Web clients are rare today (probably a reason why SparkWeb has been abandoned). Maybe you need a mobile client instead. You can find something here, but many web clients are outdated or just for a group chat (like Candy, used for a group chat on this site) XMPP | XMPP Clients

I see, unfortunately for a boss like we do have which is kind of old fashioned is pushing us to implement this web for ease of access.



I understand. I remember having SparkWeb installed on our server like 6 years ago. We haven’t found a use of it. It is too limited and awkward to use in a browser in comparison to a full fledged client. Of course there are web Hangouts or web Skype addin on, but it just feels too simplistic and Skype’s web interface is even annoying and not very intuitive.