User service plugin returns http code 405 with passwords containing & char

Hello and merry crhistmas,

just building a bridge between my authentication database and openfire using PUT method with user service plugin

everything works as documented , however users whose password contain the & char are not created/updated . the REST service return http code 405

is it a bug ?

already tried do urlencode and utf8_encode the password string, same behaviour

thanks and regards


Could you show me your http request with the payload?



Sure, here it is my code:

<?php //============================================================================== ===== // CHANGED: // ID ....: 201412222247 // DOC....: []( // DOC....: []( // DOC....: // NEEDS..: curl extension //============================================================================== ===== define('XMPPSERVERURL','[');](');) //does not finish with / define('ADMINUSER','admin'); define('ADMINPASSWORD','123456'); define('EMAILDOMAIN',''); //without the @ define('PASSWORDFILE','password.txt'); // --- Do not change from here ----------------------------- $users_all=users_get_all(); $rv=password_file_import(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- // function id ..: 201412222253 // modified dates: // doc ..........: password file format: user:password on every line // doc ..........: example: john:12345 // doc ..........: example: maria:abc123 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- function password_file_import(){ global $users_all; $ret=""; $afields=array(); $handle = fopen(PASSWORDFILE, "r"); if ($handle) { while(true) { $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); if( $buffer===false) break; $buffer=trim($buffer); $af1=explode(':',$buffer); $afields['login']=$af1[0]; $afields['password']=$af1[1]; if (strpos($users_all,''. $afields['login'] . '') ===false ){ //create user echo 'New user:' . $afields['login'] . ' http_code:' . user_add($afields['login'],$afields['password']) . PHP_EOL ; } else { //update password echo 'Update Password:' . $afields['login'] . ' http code:' . user_password_update($afields['login'],$afields['password']) . PHP_EOL ; } } fclose($handle); } return $ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- // function id: 201412222312 // modified dates: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- function users_get_all(){ $xmlstr= curl0(XMPPSERVERURL . '/plugins/userService/users',""); return $xmlstr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- // function id: 201412231049 // modified dates: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- function user_password_update($user,$passwd){ $xml_data='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>









$xml_data=str_ireplace(‘EMAIL00’,$user.’@’ . EMAILDOMAIN ,$xml_data);

$rv=curl0(XMPPSERVERURL . ‘/plugins/userService/users/’ . $user,$xml_data);

return $rv;


//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------

// function id: 201412222323

// modified dates:

//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------

function user_add($user,$passwd){

$xml_data=’<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>









$xml_data=str_ireplace(‘EMAIL00’,$user.’@’ . EMAILDOMAIN ,$xml_data);

$rv=curl0(XMPPSERVERURL . ‘/plugins/userService/users’,$xml_data);

return $rv;


//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------

// function id: 201412222311

// modified dates:

//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------

function curl0($url,$xml_data){


$headers = array(


'Authorization: Basic '. base64_encode(ADMINUSER . “:” . ADMINPASSWORD)


$ch = curl_init(); // create curl resource

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // set url

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

if ($xml_data <> “”){

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, “PUT”);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$xml_data);


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$output = curl_exec($ch); // $output contains the output string


curl_close($ch); // close curl resource to free up system resources

//return $url . PHP_EOL . $xml_data . PHP_EOL . $output . PHP_EOL . print_r($curl_get_info,true) . PHP_EOL;

//return $url . PHP_EOL . $xml_data . PHP_EOL . $output . PHP_EOL . ‘Return HTTP Code:’ . $curl_get_info[‘http_code’] . PHP_EOL;

if ( strpos($output,“xml”) ===false){

return $curl_get_info[‘http_code’];


return $output;



@echo off

mode 120,40


cd “%~d0%~p0”

echo ----------------------------------------------------

…\php_bin\php.exe -l user_create.php

echo ----------------------------------------------------

…\php_bin\php.exe user_create.php %1



//$u1=‘ 0&username=kafka&password=drowssap&name=franz&’;=fIt36880&username=kafka&password=drowssap&name=franz&’;


Sorry for the late response.

I looked at this issue and saw that & char need to be escaped in XML by &

See here: How to escape “&” in XML? - Stack Overflow

Valid request would be:
