
I’ve downloaded and installed it as a plugin in openfire

If I goto http://IP:7070/ofmeet I get 404 no found

If i do https://IP:7443/ofmeet I get 404 not found

WHat am I doing wrong? Running Openfire 3.9.1 on Windows.

Details on how to properly install this seem to be lacking.

Ok. I don’t need wise cracks please.

If you have been following events, you would realise the release of Openfire 3.9 caught me by surprise. I am still making changes to the jitsivideobridge plugin and certainly was not ready for an immediate release.

I will post a blog and write a document at some point. In the meantime please see log/2014/02/08/configure-ofmeet-first-before-trying-to-create-a-videoconference

In general, openfire plugins that create an embedded web service with Jetty, always require a restart of Openfire after the plugin is installed. It should have been fixed, but it is way down on the priority list.

Sorry to hear that we misaligned the 3.9 releases Dele. Shall we discuss how to avoid future problems in a private chat?

Sorry for my overeaction

no worries