Switching to new server vs upgrading current box - PROBLEMS

We are currently using the previous release of openfire.

It is configured with ldap & jabber user groups.

I’ve created groups and such and they all match up on the new server.

When I exported our current settings in the xml and compared it to my new machine with identical configuration (including the groups), they are not the same.

From doing comparisons of the export, it appears that people who manually added “friends” will have to manually re-add them again.

I tried importing in the xml from the previous server and it didn’t work. (It didn’t accept it) Perhaps because its ldap? or version mismatch?

We want to move to the new server because the older one is nearing end of life.

What can i do to import those contacts buddies into the new server?

Anyone got any idea how i can do this?


I assume that you also have a new database. Is there any reason why you don’t export the contents of the current database and import it into the new one? Openfire will update the database schema during startup and your new server should then be running fine.

Do you plan to modify the xmpp.domain?


That looks like it worked. I exported the jabber database and imported it into the new server. Worked like a charm.

Question though, what would of happend if i wasn’t use a mysql backend and instead had a flat file? Just import the flat file?

I went ahead and compared the exports after and it appears they have the buddies on the list.



a MySQL export is likely a flat file. So your questions needs a little bit more explanation for me to understand what you want.


isn’t there a method you can use on openfire, where there is not actual mysql database on the backend.

instead openfire would use like a static file, perhaps berkley db file?


there’s no flat file option. The embedded database uses a flat file but it supports also JDBC.

See Migration from embedded-db to MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, …