Is clustering opensource or not?

On the OpenFire page it says that the clustering plugin is now opensource. However, I installed it and it says i need to update my license key. Which is it? Open or Enterprise? We would really like to check out clustering for redundancy.

Clustering is not opensource as Jive software licenses that software from another source.

then why do they say it "The Enterprise Edition plugin has been broken into smaller open source plugins as mentioned in the Turning Openfire Enterprise into an open source product blog post "

On this page: plugins-with-enterprise-features-are-now-available plugins-with-enterprise-features-are-now-available

It clearly says in that first link:

"During the first stage we will offer several plugins that will include

the features listed above (with the exception of clustering). Our

clustering solution relies on a commercial product and will not be made

Open Source."

The second link they are at fault for sloppy wording but going to the plugins page reveals the clustering plugin is not opensource but commercial.