Patch: support for ldap users/groups on Lotus Domino Notes


i accidentaly created an account on your JIRA by the name “fake”, i initially thought that’s the way to propose patches, sorry.

when evaluating jabber servers, integration with our companies lotus domino notes ldap was a feature marked as “must”. ejabberd, which we used before, worked, but was just too obscure to be maintainable our users can opt-in to use jabber, giving themselves a nickname by setting their ‘pager’ field in lotus notes adressbook to something they like. the usage of this attributes as jabber id worked like a charm with openfire out of the box.

the only problem was automatic roster population: there is an ldap group that includes all users, but i was unable to populate it as a shared group, because openfire couldn’t find it. the reason for this is the ‘interesting’ way domino notes handles ldap groups… the group is not part of the same ldap organization, instead is dangling on the root node and pointing to the users with full dns. openfire wouldn’t handle this well, attaching the basedn to those attribute values (iirc).

on updating to 3.4.5 i just noticed the patch still applies, so i think i’d share. maybe someone finds this useful, too.

have fun,


i dont’ seem to get this upload thingy… i’ll try this, and then i’ll post a link :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

i hate forums.

the patch is:

there is a new version of the patch, also fixing a setup problem described here . yes, my previous forums account i used in my monologue so far was disabled - probably because my name is fake. i mean, it is literally " f a k e ". i’m sorry.

the patch / blog post: o/notes-ldap

did i mention i hate web forums?