Jingle WebRTC Transport Update

I have a just added WebRTC audio/video support to OfChat to confirm that the proposed WebRTC transport for Jingle actually works.


OfChat is a web client for Openfire implemented as a Chrome extension. I am not releasing the WebRTC code until the the next release of Chrome which will use JSEP instead of ROAP.


I have attached the latest OfChat Chrome extension (ver 0.0.8) with support for WebRTC using the Jingle WebRTC Transport proposal. Sadly, the proposal is to be withdrawn, so this might be incompatible with anything else in a few months time. See posting below for requirements. It is all in HTML and JavaScript, so finds where Chrome installs it to see source code.
ofchat.crx.zip (400854 Bytes)


This is seriously freakin’ cool looking. Any place I can play with it?

It is still experimental and there are a few show stopping issues

Security/permissions on the webcam has not been implemented, so any web page can stream your webcam. Although WebRTC supports 16 concurrent media sessions, only one PeerConnection is currently supported, so multi-party Jingle in an MUC only works with two participants and removing the webcam stream from the PeerConnection crashes the browser.

You would need to upgrade to the the latest dev channel version of Chrome, install the OfChat Chrome extension, patch your openfire with support for Jetty 7.5 and install the WebSockets plugin for Openfire.

I have a patched Openfire server online and If you want to try that, let me know and I will email you login details and upload the OfChat Chrome extension.

I had issues with my chrome extension at first because I was attaching the webcam to the peerconnection from the background page, cos all the XMPP stuff lived there. It did not work.

I had to redesign and move the webrtc code from the background page to the context page, send messages between both and then it worked.

Wait a minute, I just looked at the screenshot properly, this is Redfire and not WebRTC

In that case, no idea. I have not used redfire with OfChat Chrome extension for a while now.

Dele, any plans for a similar FireFox-plugin?

I have confirmed that Firefox supports WebSockets and plans to support WebRTC, so watch this space

I will, thanks!

I am new user of OpenFire, really don’t don’t know how to install the plugin