How to access HSQL Database?

Hello my friends,

I’m using a OpenFire Server. When i installed the server, i’ve not used my own DB. Instead, i used a embedded database (HSQL Database).

I wish i could access my OpenFire Database, so i could check my conversations table, users table, etc.

How can i access this HSQL DB, using SQL functions, such as select, update, etc?

Database and version: HSQL Database Engine 1.8.0

**JDBC Driver: **HSQL Database Engine Driver

JDBC Driver version: 1.8.0

**Connection URL: **jdbc:hsqldb:C:\xampp\htdocs\Openfire\embedded-db\openfire

Is there any way to access this HSQL DB?

Thank you, friends.

You must either work with an ‘online copy’/backup or shutdown Openfite.

For Hsqldb there’s a simple GUI admin tool - not sure whether it’s included in Openfire.

check out the dbaccess plugin

LG, Daryl, thank you two for the informations.

Dbaccess plugin is really great.