Silently install Spark via Script, disable history during install?


I’ve found the answer to the first half of my question by searching the forums. We are moving to Openfire/Spark because there are some challenges with Freedom of Information requested. We don’t want to have to wade through buckets of transitory emails, and thus have opted to implement an IM solution.

My batch as of now:

@echo off

\fileserver\share\spark_2_6_3.exe -q -c

I’d like to also have it disable the history for all users and set a default server to connect to without modifying every spark.propeties for every user who logs onto every machine. Are there environmental variables I can set to accomplish this?

For my environment I created a simple batch file and a small program to install the client, set default settings for a user and set custom settings for everyone (windows 7 clients) :

@echo off

f exist “C:\Program Files\Spark\Spark.exe” goto newuser

if exist “C:\Program Files (x86)\Spark\Spark.exe” goto newuser

\server\software$\spark\spark_2_6_3.exe -q


if exist %appdata%\spark\ goto defaultsettings

mkdir %appdata%\spark

copy \server\software$\spark\ %appdata%\spark\ /y

copy \server\software$\spark\sound-settings.xml %appdata%\spark\ /y

start /D “\server\software$\spark” \server\software$\spark\sparksettings.exe /q /fc /r /ds /u

goto end


start /D “\server\software$\spark” \server\software$\spark\sparksettings.exe /q / r /ds /u


I attched the sparksettings file. read the /? carefully. Userid’s are normally lowercase (else you recieve unknown user/password) I worked great for me (11603 Bytes)

#goodenough. Thank you.


I’ve adapter your script to work under my SSO+LDAP domain environment. None of the users here have local admin here. I’ve separated everything into scripts to run via GPO. I’ve enclosed the shutdown script that will install Spark, a logon script that will apply the user’s spark profile and a script required to add the user’s name to the file. Enjoy.

I know that some people have done installs using appdeploy, but this is preferable for me.
Deploy (2556 Bytes)