Introducing Hazelcast ... a new way to cluster Openfire!

Hi @Tom Evans.

Good to see you!

I has composing Openfire HA cluster on Amazon AWS using hazelcast cluster plugin.

Unfortunately! Amazon Service do not support direct connection between their regions.

So, I use the hazelcast cluster plugin on openfire. It seemed to be like which did not have a problem.

But, Increasing of hazelcast cluster node has occured big problem.

First, this service is very unstable between cluster node.

Second, this service has occured latency between clients message about 2~3 second. It tested just two clients.

So, I was find replication property on hazelcast document about “wan-replication”. and I was configured your hazelcast configuration xml file.

But, this do not operate. What is problem on my configuration?

like this:

com.hazelcast.impl.wan.WanNoDelayReplication</replication-imp l>

com.hazelcast.impl.wan.WanNoDelayReplication</replication-imp l>

The issuses of after deployed cluster with Hazelcast Clustering Plugin of openfire .

I have three server nodes : A (,B (,C (

And all of them share a same Mysql database. Initially, I installed Openfire to B & C server.After that I installed Openfire to A. Such an installation made domain of all servers same as domain of A server.All server domains are now. I used Strophe.js accessing A node successfully via BOSH After deployed cluster with Hazelcast Clustering Plugin. But might be owing to domains of B and C node are same as A’s , lead to I can not access B and C via BOSH with Strophe.js but the clients software like Spark can access all of them and works fine. Accessing B and C via BOSH made errors below:

Now my issue is that I need to access the cluster by using BOSH.Is it enough access only A node or I need to be able to access all nodes via BOSH? If I wanna access all nodes via BOSH in the meantime,how should I deploy cluster of openfire.

Here is configuration of Hazelcast


I appreciate any help ! I hope you could forgive my awful english and understand my issue description.

What is your domain name? Have you created a DNS record for your domain name pointing to all three IP addresses?

No,I have not created.I merely use an IP among these three nodes such as I test the cluster in Local Area Nework.

Thanks for reply!

I don’t think it will work. The domain name should be a valid DNS name that resolves via the network to the next IP address by cycling through the 3 IP addresses

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I think having A records (IPs) in DNS foe each server is necessary as a fallback mechanism. It’s possible (and recommended) to have SRV records instead.

kentzen, maybe this will help you:

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Yeah.Dele and Alex,Thanks you a lot .It works now.

Here is my steps:

My server is Redhat6 32 bit.

1.Modify all nodes /etc/hosts file .Plus code as following: openfire #Any valid DNS name you want.

2.Change ‘setup’ option to false within ‘/openfire/conf/openfire.xml’,this step means that you could reset configuration for openfire.And type a DNS name you just bound with IP ‘’ into ‘domain’ option.

3.Check ‘xmpp.domain’ field in ‘ofProperty’ table of openfire database,see if its value was set to ‘admin@openfire’ (or admin@).Change it if it isn’t.

4.Restart openfire.

(note : Do these steps to all nodes,and domain name of each node is the same like ‘openfire’ )

Via steps above .It should work fine! Please contact me if you confuse!

I doubt hardcoding IPs left and right will get you too far, but if it works for now… enjoy.

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Lol .Thanks.

Which is better , Openfire cluster + nginx or Openfire cluster + Connection Manager?

Am able to create openfire cluster with 3 node using hazelcast plugin. I have tried with TCP and Multicast both. But problem is its automatically discovering which i dont want to be part of my cluster. How can we restrict other openfire node from this cluster environment?

Please help. Thanks in advance.

You can change the multicast group and/or port number in the classes/hazelcast-cache-config.xml file to create individual clusters:


Thanks Tom.

It means, i can have my own multicast configuration. For example,

  •            <multicast-group>420.3.1.2</multicast-group>*
  •            <multicast-port>42031</multicast-port>*
  • *

Is it correct?

and Am deploying my server in EC2 i don’t want to open to many ports, how shall i restrict my servers to look in to only one port, i tried tcp/ip config as well but that doesn’t work. Am trying with private ip.



  • *

Please help me to configure cluster in secured manner?

Am using Openfire 3.9.3. Please let me know which hazelcast version will be compatible with this openfire version.

I use hazelcast1.2.0

get error

com.jivesoftware.util.cache.ClusteredCacheFactory - Failed to execute cluster task within 30 seconds

Am getting 2 exceptions

  1. Timeoutexception, It is failing to execute cluster task within 30 seconds.

  2. Hazelcastserialiaitonexcepiton, Class not found exception it occurs after 2 hours and 30 minutes and from there it keep on throwing every second.

If someone have fixed this exceptions, please help me to solve this one.

"Failed to execute cluster task within 30 seconds " issue help

  • openfire version 3.10.2

  • hazelcast plugin version 2.0 (hazelcast 3.4)

  • two server clustering, and now total session 5k



“Failed to execute cluster task within 30 second” issue.

im guess this, hint from :

edit source :

check bold texts . please…

public Object doSynchronousClusterTask(ClusterTask task, byte[] nodeID) {

if (cluster == null) { return null; }

Member member = getMember(nodeID);

Object result = null;

// Check that the requested member was found

if (member != null) {

// Asynchronously execute the task on the target member

logger.debug("Executing DistributedTask: " + task.getClass().getName());

Future future = null;

try {

future = hazelcast.getExecutorService(HAZELCAST_EXECUTOR_SERVICE_NAME)

.submitToMember(new CallableTask(task), member);

result = future.get(MAX_CLUSTER_EXECUTION_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

logger.debug("DistributedTask result: " + (result == null ? “null” : result));

} catch (TimeoutException te) {

** if(future != null) future.cancel(true);**

** logger.error(“future is canceled, cause by TimeoutException”);**

logger.error(“Failed to execute cluster task within " + MAX_CLUSTER_EXECUTION_TIME + " seconds”, te);

} catch (Exception e) {

logger.error(“Failed to execute cluster task”, e);


} else {

String msg = MessageFormat.format(“Requested node {0} not found in cluster”, StringUtils.getString(nodeID));


throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);


return result;


and see another method and edit : Collection doSynchronousClusterTask(ClusterTask task, boolean includeLocalMember)

Hi folks … I believe the timeout issue has been identified and will be resolved in the next release of the plugin (2.1.2). Refer to [OF-943] for more info.

i try to that source. (written by me - 2015. 9. 10)

but timeout error is not solve …