Spark 2.7: "Collapse all by right click" not working

With Spark 2.6.3 I could right click on the heading of a group and choose “collapse all” or “expand all.” There is no right click menu now when I right click on a heading in spark 2.7. Can anyone confirm this?

Confirm. SPARK-1460

Is this the nightly or the beta? Mircea has done some changes. No idea if will fix them and when…

The latest build from bamboo.

fixed: r12903



do we just download the latest build out there so test it (still 12555)?

you need to wait for the nightly build to be created on BAMBOO, and use the nighlty build to test

It will always say 12555 in the file name. Too much trouble to change the build number after every svn update (i get that it can’t be done automatically), so it is only updated for the final release. Just check what Revision is says here It says 12903 now, so you are good to go downloading the 12555.exe file, it will contain 12903 changes.

perfect. thanks