Unable to do voice chat

I am unable to do voice chat between spark clients installed on Windows Vista and Windows 7, whenever I try to call a computer through spark

I getting an error meesage “voice chat ended: No Media Received. This may be caused by firewall configuration problems.” whereas i have disabled my firewall in bothsides.Can any one help me out to fix this issue.

Same problem, error message “voice chat ended: No Media Received. This may be caused by firewall configuration problems.”

Tried with XP, Vista, 7. Sometimes just one call is going through but no second time success. I saw a Beta Version for Spark, hope this solves the issue.


Nasim Akbary


Yes. Try with Beta or even latest SVN version. 2.5.8 is two years old.

Still same problem with Spark 2.6 Beta2 and SVN


Nasim Akbary

I am able to have voice between two Spark IM PCs inside my company but when I tried two different PCs (same settings same users) I get the message:

“voice chat ended: No Media Received. This may be caused by firewall configuration problems.”

I can’t explain why the first two PCs are working in voice chat.

I’m having the same problem. How to solve this problem?

I have used Spark 2.5.8 with SIP Phone Plugin and Openfire 3.6.4 (I will update to 3.7.0 but I have to update java) with SIP Phone Plugin. So, the voice i working between 2 PCs but if I try some different PCs on the same network is not working.

On a different network I tried Openfire 3.7.0 with Spark 2.5.8 (with SIP) but not working.

If SIP plugin is installed, unther phone you have to create a SIP Phone Mappings using users from Users/Groups and enable Media proxy. After you login in Spark the message “Starting Phone …” will pop-up, after a few sec you will see “Failed to start phone”. Even if the message is “Failed to start phone” the voice chat is working. You can double click on one online user then you can press the button call PC to PC.

My problem is that I was able to make it working only between 2 specific PCs if I try on different PCs is not working in my case.

If somebody has success with voice, please post the info!

Actualy I found that if you use Windows XP Remote Desktop for the PC with Spark client, audio call may not work (Spark 2.5.8). I was able to have 3 PCs with 3 diferent users on voice (two at the time) but only with Spark 2.5.8. I have used Windwos XP PCs. When I installed Spark 2.6 the buton PC to PC voice call was missing, then I installed back Spark 2.5.8 and the voice was OK.