AD LDAP configuration adding computer accounts

This is a very strange question since I have not noticed anyone else having this trouble.

I installed this great product and got it up and running using a 2003 AD without a hitch until I started looking at the user list. Inside my basedn I have both computer and user accounts. When searching for users in the admin panel or spark you have the ability to add a computer to your firends list. I have modified the User filter to include objectClass=user, but the computer accounts are still appearing in the search.

Any help is greatly appriciated!


Well, two minutes later I answered my own question!

For the benefit of the community:

I started playing around with the LDAP configuration. With a little trial and error I found the magic value for the advanced setting “User Filter.”



This keeps computer accounts out.


I had the same problem, and with this filter the problem was solved.

Thanks a lot!


You are the master. I SO needed this. Thank you.